Bike trip 2008: Elroy to Wildcat Mountain State Park

Thomas was very proud to reach 1000 miles on his bike computer, although his bike computer is not as old as his bike so he has actually biked a few hundred more miles than 1000.

Nice road to Cave Point County Park, Door Co.

Cave Point

Lake Michigan



Tourists petting Caitlin's friend Angie's dog, Brutus.

Thomas showing Caitlin a moth.

Out bikes locked to a doggie bag post.

Swimming at the local lake.

Caitlin's back yard and cherry orchard.

Caitlin's barn.

Sturgeon Bay

Sturgeon Bay

Caterpillar found by Thomas on road.

Thomas's catches with his black light.


Read the full story below:

We went to Door County this weekend with our friend Caitlin. We have been to Door County before as tourists, but never with a real local. Caitlin grew up in Door County, so we got the real insider experience this weekend.

We drove up on Friday evening, and although it was super hot and humid in Madison, by the time we made it there, there was a cool fog on the peninsula. On account of Thomas's cat allergies, we camped out in Caitlin's back yard on the edge of her family's cherry orchard.

Saturday we went on a 13 mile round trip bike ride to Cave's Point on Lake Michigan. Thomas was proud that his bike computer that he received for his birthday last summer, finally reached 1000 miles just as we were near the entrance to Whitefish Dunes State Park. There were lots of rocks at Cave Point near the lake, and a lot of tourists. We met Caitlin's friend Angie and her dog Brutus, and went on a short hike. Then we stopped for a dip at the local swimming lake, which was much warmer and shallower than Lake Michigan. Thomas found a Salt Marsh Caterpillar on the bike ride back.

After our ride we went to a Cherry Diner in Sturgeon Bay, then hiked across a big bridge, and eventually ended up at a local place called Sally's Soft Serve.

We chilled out back at Caitlin's house, and then went with her brother and friends to her uncle's restaurant, Schartner's on the Shore. We enjoyed the best tempura shrimp, and Thomas ended up with a cardinal souveneir. Then we headed over to the Institute Saloon across from Caitlin's high school (in the town of Institute). There were dollar bills stuck to the ceiling, a mix CD made by Caitlin's brother in the jukebox, and random people Caitlin had known from school were there. Then we headed back to Caitlin's house. Her younger brother had a bunch of friends over, so there was a fun party going on. Thomas's black light attracting moths was a big hit.

Sunday we went out to another local diner for a great breakfast. There were all sorts of old jars and kitchen stuff on the walls. Caitlin recognized a guy working there from school.

Caitlin gave us a tour of her barn and spotted a butterfly hibernating in the window for Thomas that turned out to be a real winner.

On the way home we stopped for soft serve twists, that turned out to be the best ice cream Thomas has ever had in America.

The cherry crop isn't doing so well this year in Door County, but we plan to return when Caitlin's apple orchard is ripe in fall. Thomas can't wait to see what other moths are out then. Thomas liked hearing coyotes at night, and seeing an American Gold Finch on Caitlin's feeder.

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